- Cloud-based Software as a Service solution – instant implementation;
- Receive up to 2 minutes long Voice Reviews, Complaint and Requests together with attached supporting documents, images, URLs;
- Upload oral reviews by clients and juscasts (public and premium) automatically on websites;
- Manage on-line reputation by making good of justified griviences;
- Receive, manage and distribute in-house and contributor* (available only for JusBiz subscribers) produced juscasts and recordings for Marketing, Training, Discourses, Speeches, Meetings, Communication etc.;
- Workflow tasks directly to assigned personnel;
- Deliver client service in a collaborative and controlled fashion using VisTA™ methodology;
- Teamwork with internal and external users irrespective of type of project, size or kind of organization or location.
- Receive Performance and Management information for analysising and strategizing;
- Use instantly with minimum training requirement
Features and Functionalities